Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Da Vinci Code

It never ceases to amaze me at people's stupidity and ignorance. I read the Da Vinci Code, and thought it was a fantastic book. It did not reveal anything New, nor did it UnCover any information that was not available before. It was a great story with a plot that kept me interested right up to the end. What is eerily interesting is the fact that it has been criticized so much. This proves the exact idea that was portrayed in the book. When information threatens the foundation of Christianity it will be attacked. In my opinion, if they (the Christian organizations) simply ignored it the book would simply be a work of fiction. Instead they get all up in arms about and continue to spew all the problems noted in the book. Witch in turn causes people to look closer, do some research and find the truth. Personally, I do not see the big deal. So what if Jesus was married to Mary, He was human. Just because he might have had sex like any normal human would not make him less perfect. In my opinion it would make him a true embodiment of human and God. I heard another "Christian" historian say that because of this book people have lost their faith. I think that’s bullshit. People are loosing faith not because a fictional book, but because their faith was already in question and this probably gave them the strength to finally leave behind archaic ideas and beliefs. I certainly did not loose my religion because of this book. I don't believe in Christianity to begin with. Its an old faith that will hopefully fade away one day. The Christian faith has done more damage and hindered progress long enough. Its time to move forward. On that same note, let me say I do not have anything against people that have their faith, but don't force your belief's on me, or change history to line up with your current beliefs. Because in the end, you can only control your own life. My belief is this... If there is a God, and he did create us in his image. I believe he would want us to Live, not for him, not to bitch and moan because our ideals do not match, but to simply live.... To experience life and all the wonders that are here. I think God would be pissed at how everyone has squandered their lives, wasting all their time fighting each other over stupid facts, constantly worrying about everything.

My tid bit of truth to take with you:
1) We live
10) We die

What we do in between there is why we are here. Live, Feel, Experience, Learn, Remember, and Die.

Consider this last point, and I know it’s a bit far fetched but anyway.. What if we are here as a cosmic Virtual Reality. Meaning we are born to experience what it is to be human, what it's like to live, to feel, to Experience, to Learn, and To die. Then upon returning to our cosmic existence we take with us everything we did as humans. Anyway, that's my thought for today. Later.